So here's my shake, cantaloupe, and I also had turkey bacon, but I must have eaten it before I realized I needed to take a pic :p The smoothie gives me about 800 calories and that's a lot at once, but I don't get hungry for a long time after this breakfast. I use to have to eat at about 11, but now I can last well after 1 if need be. I think there are two reasons why you get hungry...1) you are really thirsty, so drink plenty of water first. 2) You are not getting the nutritional value that you need (not necessarily the bulk, but the content). I am taking liquid and fruit as the majority of my first meal so there's not really that much bulk there, but it's loaded with nutritional value!
10 minutes treadmill warm up (6% incline at various levels of jog)
100 x 4 in and outs crunches
100 x 4 side to side crunches
10 x 4 knee raises on leg raise machine (um...these are hard)
45 minute Leg workout
100 x 4 in and outs crunches
100 x 4 side to side crunches
10 x 4 knee raises on leg raise machine (um...these are hard)
45 minute Leg workout
Your smoothies are looking so tasty to me. Must be very healthy for breakfast too :O