Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Day #3

Today I made up my mind that I was going to carry on like I was not sick instead of using that as an excuse to NOT get things done.  In the real World we have to carry on and complete what is required of us whether we feel good or not.  Clearly, if I were really sick I would have stayed home and taken a complete day of rest, but I was not.

     At work I practiced in my break for 30 minutes warming up.  Once I got home I practiced Don Giovanni, Fences, and Separate Ways for the better part of an hour.  The pop was much more difficult than the opera to sing - interesting!!

     I finally know the proper technique for doing two handed, two octave scales.  Can't do them particularly fast or pleasing to the ear, but it's there - now I just need to improve.  This is great because that's one of the skills I will need to show for my piano proficiency exam.  Also worked on Diminished/Dominant 7th chords.

     This really wasn't a meal, it was more what I added to my smoothie, but I think it's cool so I wanted to spend a little time on this particular thing...ALOE VERA!! Yes my lovely roomie, Kyla, picked a couple up at the store for me yesterday (since they don't sell them everywhere) and I placed some of that gelatinous center in my smoothie.  When I watched Hungry for Change they said that anything gelatinous (aloe or chia seeds) will aid in digestion and aloe can help with ulcers or IBS (yay).  Plus this huge leaf was only like $1.00 so why not?!?!?!?!?!?!?

     I did 45 minutes P90X yoga.  This is everything from the moving asanas part of the track minus warrior 3 which I thought would have been a bit challenging for me in my state.  I am actually kind of excited for tomorrow's workout because I am going to the gym and doing weights.  Yes the proper gym is WAY better than the one at my complex.  Plus there is a killer ab section that my coworker showed me!!! 

you don't have to be perfect or be the best - just do your best!


  1. Okay, I'm quoting your intro to my blog, so true, I should always be thinking like that -which is not the case, obviously- Btw, I never thought Aloes Vera could be eaten! :O I thought it only helped heal burns... definively not we could eat it in a smoothie :O

    1. I have seen information about using aloe "juice" but the bottle I saw at the health food store was $24 and I'm not paying that much when I can get it for $1.00 and just cut it up LOL

    2. Hahaha! Yeah... It's crazy how certain things can be expensive while it's SO easy to make out by ourselves...!
