Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Day #11

Today was a crazy day...lots going on and I just try to do what I do - make the best out of it.  The best part about today was that I wasn't really coping well with a situation and as I was finishing up with my errands, I saw a lady in Vivo that had beautiful dreadlocked hair.  I am all about going au natural and I just had to talk to her.  As I passed by I said "You're hair is beautiful" and from that we started chatting.  Turns out she is singing at the Ritz and her husband is from Vegas as well and knows people I know.  I told her that I had been having a trying day and I appreciated them stopping to talk to me, because they really did brighten my know what they did? They both gave me a hug which was really what I needed!  Strange how people are placed in your life at the right moment, but it is up to you to act on it.  Something told me to talk to her...

     30 minute warm up and one hour practice of current rep (Alleluja, Zerlina, La Danza).  Can't wait until my voice lesson on Friday to see how I've improved on those runs are frustrating.  I just want to perfect them already.  Next week will work on recitatives of Zerlina - arie are at a respectable level of memorization. 

     Today was the internal audition for my job.  I didn't do the singer/dancer audition since I am not a trained dancer and it's highly unlikely that I would be selected for a show.  So I just re-auditioned for my current role.

     ok, this is so boring, but I can't go without my hearty breakfast!!  BUT I think after this package of bacon is done it's back to turkey's cheaper and so much less grease.  Not that I have a problem with eating grease, it's the clean up that's annoying!

     Gym time!!!  Went to the gym after my audition and did my ab/leg/chin-up routine.  I really love the leg abductor and adductor machines.  They feel great.  Thanks to Scorpion King Jake for giving me the ab workout.  It's 800 reps with leg raises - ow my!! Yeah those are not fun at all. chin ups are getting good.  I can almost fully extend, which I wasn't doing before.

     I approached a stranger, gave her a compliment, and engaged her in conversation - may not seem like that big of a deal, but when you're a minority in a foreign country a friendly face is always welcome.  Let's face it people, I don't really relate well to a lot of people.  It's hard for me to be open and I'm definitely not the social butterfly so it took a lot for me to not walk by.


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