Sunday, 12 February 2012

Day 22

Oh my so much to do and so little time!!!  But nonetheless another GREAT day! I feel so accomplished, like I am getting my stuff together FINALLY!


     30 minutes warm up as per voice lesson
     120 minutes study Carmina Burana - Since Mr. Lim asked that I be 2nd soprano, I know that I will need to spend extra time getting the harmonies correct.  I thought I would be able to create the harmony line in Finale (sheet music writing software) but for whatever reason my Finale won't open and I even tried to download it again (yes this is a program I paid for!), but still didn't work.  SO with my new keyboarding skills I loaded each song into GarageBand and played the notes I need to know over the existing track so that I can remember what it sounds like.  I know I am an auditory learner.  Even in school I was always able to listen to the lesson and remember what I was being told.  This is what it looks like:

So very fancy!!!


     So I learned on Wednesday that Opera Viva was having an audition for a new opera called Fences that will be debuted in August.  I don't have proper (4-year) training, I don't have a huge repertoire, I don't have a lot of experience.  I do have the will and the work ethic to do a good job.  I sang "Summertime"'s a clip!!


     I got crazy today and had some...wait, just kidding.  I had chicken and broccoli!!


     40 minutes P90X Yoga...yeah again it's short, BUT I have to get my beauty rest you know.  That's what happens when you prioritize...sometimes things that aren't as important get less time.  Realistically I am at a great size, I have lost a lot of fat, and really now it's a matter of fine tuning that doesn't need to be done in a hurry!  Yoga always makes my back feel better so the fact that I even did a little I am happy with!


Hay House is the publisher for Dr. Wayne Dyer, one of my fvorites. I received an emailed newsletter from Louise Hay, who is now 85 and still runs the company. In it she gave the 12 commandments on how to love yourself:

1. Stop all criticism
2. Forgive yourself
3. Don't scare yourself - don't terrorize yourself with your thoughts, kindly switch them to positive ones
4. Be gentile and kind and patient
5. Be kind to your mind
6. Praise yourself
7. Support yourself
8. Be loving to your negatives - you created negative things to serve a purpose and now that you've moved on to better, more positive thins; lovingly release the negative!!
9. Be kind to your body
10. Do mirror work - look at yourself while doing these things
11. Love yourself
12. Have fun!

 I hope you have an inspired day!!

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