30 minutes keyboard skills G, D7, and C chords...funny how such a simple melody I am learning can be so confusing on the brain!! Me trying to get both hands to do something completely different is quite interesting! But getting better!
30 minutes warm up as per last voice lesson
60 minutes repertoire - Apres un Reve (I worked a little extra on this one - it's so pretty I really want to learn it already!), Als Luise..., sad attempt at Casta Diva, Quando men vo, Fidelio choir parts!
MEAL #15
I like to begin the day at the blender with a smoothie. My favorite recipe contains five supplements that help me optimize my nutrition. A single tablespoon of Catie's Organic Greens, for instance, equals seven servings of green vegetables. I also add apple or cherry juice and frozen bananas and berries for a nice consistency. My morning smoothie gives my body a huge amount of nutrients, which are easily absorbed because liquids are easier to digest than solids. Less than an hour later, I'm ready for whatever activity is on the agenda."
It's nice to see someone else using essentially the same concept for morning nutrition. Add some green into your life! You won't regret it!! I ran out of Mango flavored protein powder so I added in 50g each of blueberries and strawberries...I'm not going to lie, Spirulina tastes like the ocean so it's better if you add in something to sweeten the flavor.
50 minutes P90X Yoga - I wanted to get the blood flowing a bit and a nice stretch. A lot of people around me are sick and I am just wanting to stay one step ahead of the germs!! I burned 180 calories - not much but I feel pretty good!
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