Another day in the books!!!
30 minutes warm up as per lesson
45 minutes Carmina Burana practice of harmonies. I first went through all the movements that I created a "help" file for. I recorded the notes over existing track. After I went through them I sang over the original movements, spot checking the notes to make sure I came in right. I think I have gotten comfortable enough with the harmonies I just need to do #20, which is really fast and I didn't want to spend the time on it earlier. Now that's all I have to focus on!!
MEAL #25
Breakfast of CHAMPIONS once again! I had some wine last night so I really needed the protein shake this morning to feel better! Unfortunately, but stomach didn't really like all the chocolate I ate yesterday and my friend, Crista, suggested maybe only having one cheat meal instead of all day so that the body doesn't reject it like it did hello up since 4am.
So I wrote a letter to the management office of my condominium complex commending one of the cleaners. He blocked the door to the stairs and later on apologized for it. Cleaners are usually disrespected and not appreciated so I wanted to make sure that the management knew I wasn't upset about it and that he does a great job! Maybe not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but I hope it will make his day to see that someone took time to show appreciation!

I wasn't going to count this, but I had an opportunity to help someone and I did. As I was leaving the MRT station on my way to meet up with friends, a Korean woman, who spoke pretty much no English, flagged me down and asked for help with her MRT card. She didn't understand why the turnstile was telling her to top up. I waited with her at the top up machine so I could show her how to use it and assure her that she was ok. Out of all the Asian people milling about in the station I don't know why she asked me, BUT I did my best to help. This process took about 10 minutes out of my day and it may not be a huge deal, it's also representative of things I have started doing more of...asking a lady with a baby in our garage if she was lost and directing her to block 9 (our garage is quite confusing), holding the elevator for people I can hear coming, holding doors, being patient on the escalator, etc. This challenge has made me more aware of being courteous!!